BRICS Summit in Johannesburg: Challenging the Global Order!

Tucker Carlson understands what is happening right now with some help from the president of Serbia. There is a very new world rising in our midst. We are seeing a new political and economic order coming together that is shifting away from Washington and Brussels, the so-called collective west, and reorganizing around the rising titanic civilization states of Russia, China, and India.

– The 15th annual BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa involves leaders from 67 countries, including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

– De-dollarization and challenges to the dollar’s reserve currency status are central to the BRICS summit discussions.

The BRICS summit’s outcomes may reveal whether Russia is being isolated by the West or if the West is being isolated by the rest of the world.

And we’re seeing it happening in real-time. This week leaders from 67 different countries are convening in Johannesburg, South Africa for the 15th annual BRICS summit, a pivotal gathering for the five originating nations of the international economic bloc – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. 40 nations are seeking to join either formally or as associates, among those are the oil-rich nations of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates, as well as Argentina, Algeria, Bolivia, Indonesia, and Egypt. The agenda for the summit is as bold as it gets: the BRICS bloc, which as it stands, already represents over 40% of the world’s population, will seek to rival the G7 as the major driver of global political and economic dynamics. According to one Chinese official, ‘If we expand Brics to account for a similar portion of world GDP as the G7, then our collective voice in the world will grow stronger.’

It is, without question, the boldest BRICS summit ever to be held, and it comes on the heels of the major summit between Russia and China just weeks ago where the two powers discussed and planned the emerging global world order that is recalibrating around the rise of their respective civilization states. The date of the Russia-China summit was no coincidence. Xi and Putin met on the 20th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, in what turned out to be a fateful campaign that many commentators believed ushered in the beginning of the end for the liberal international order centered in DC.

At the end of the summit, President Xi’s final words to Putin were: ‘Change is coming that hasn’t happened in a hundred years, and we are driving this change together. It was an astonishing statement! It’s this Brics summit in Johannesburg that may see such a world officially rise. De-dollarization is at the heart of this meeting in Johannesburg. A definite challenge to the dollar as the world’s reserve currency will be what drives much of the deliberations. Leading up to the summit, there have been many discussions of a new currency that would be used between the growing number of BRICS countries. This would likely be a gold-backed currency that fits in line with the emerging commodities-based global economy. One of the things we have to understand is that the world operates according to three things: food, fuel, and finance.

Up until this point, the collective West believed that he who controls finance controls the world. The various BRICS countries’ economies operate on the opposite premise. They believe that he who controls food and fuel controls the world. As Tucker and the President of Serbia observed, all the finance in the world can’t save Europe because Europe is starving in terms of food and fuel. Russia is the number one grain exporter in the world, the number one fertilizer exporter in the world, and second only to Saudi Arabia in terms of oil exports. Russia is a commodities giant that all the economic sanctions in the world couldn’t starve.

It’s no surprise that we are now witnessing increasingly what’s become an economic showdown between the two great blocs: the G7 versus BRICS, a currency-based economy vs a commodities-based economy. There are reports that India is pushing back against proposals for a gold-backed currency, and that’s largely because India is still highly influenced by the West, particularly the United States. Brazil and South Africa are also very much beholden to Western influence, so it looks like this summit is going to focus more on trade using national currencies among Brics-plus member nations. That will have a very significant impact on the process known as de-dollarization. The percentage of global reserves in the U.S. Dollar has fallen from 72% in 1999 to 59% now. All of this raises the question: is the collective West, the United States, and Europe, isolating Russia from the world, or is the rest of the world isolating the West? This week, in Johannesburg, it looks like we’re going to get the answer!

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