BOMBSHELL Revealed About 2020 ELECTION!

The truth about the 2020 election is getting revealed one court case at a time. We are seeing the latest bombshell coming out of a courtroom in Virginia and what it means for election integrity as we head into 2024.

– Ex-Virginia election official Michele White was indicted for allegedly altering 2020 election results.

– Connecticut judge overturns Bridgeport primary election after surveillance footage reveals multiple people stuffing absentee ballots into drop boxes.

– Issues surrounding the 2020 election are being slowly addressed, potentially impacting the electoral landscape for the upcoming 2024 election.

It is being widely reported that an ex-Virginia election official allegedly altered election results in the 2020 election. Former Prince William County general registrar Michele White was indicted by a grand jury on two felony counts alleging corrupt conduct as an election official and making a false statement, and one misdemeanor charge of willful neglect of duty by an election officer last year.

In September of 2022, the former Prince William county general registrar was indicted by a grand jury on two felony counts alleging corrupt conduct as an election official and making a false statement, along with one misdemeanor indictment of willful neglect of duty by an election officer. Unfortunately, the exact details of what she actually did have yet to be publicly revealed, and the current general registrar is assuring us that the election alterations didn’t ultimately impact any election outcomes. Biden won the county by 10 points back in 2020.

This is not the only case involving election integrity that is going on right now. Last week, a district court judge ruled that the electronic voting machines used by the State of Georgia have substantial flaws and must undergo judicial review. Federal judge Amy Totenberg ruled that there is an imminent risk that voters will have their voting rights suppressed by the use of these electronic machines, and so a trial date has been scheduled now for January 9th to determine the integrity of their security. At the heart of the case is what is known as the Coffee County breach which involves an unauthorized access of sensitive voting equipment in Coffee County, Georgia, a county of 40,000 people. At the time of the 2020 election, that breach changed numbers, and election officials were reportedly at a complete loss as to how that happened. This unauthorized breach is calling into question the security integrity of the electronic voting machines, which will go through judicial review in January. All of this is happening on top of the latest bombshell ruling in Connecticut.

A judge recently overturned a primary election in the city of Bridgeport after seeing what he called ‘shocking’ surveillance footage of multiple people stuffing multiple absentee ballots in outdoor drop boxes. The judge concluded that there was enough evidence of foul play for the primary election to be overturned, and ordered the secretary of state to schedule a new primary election.

Two years after the 2020 election, the Wisconsin Supreme Court banned the use of drop boxes in all future elections from their state because they violated Wisconsin election law. As noted in their headline, the ruling in many respects suggested that Biden’s 2020 Victory Was “Illegitimate” in that he won Wisconsin by barely 20,000 votes. As frustrating as all of this is, it appears that slowly but surely, the shenanigans that appear to have plagued the 2020 election are finally getting resolved, just in time for 2024!

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