Another Billionaire Backs Trump!

We are seeing a brewing civil war among the billionaires. More billionaires are disassociating themselves from the liberal globalist regime and instead are openly aligning themselves with Trump.

– Venture capitalist Doug Leone has announced significant financial support for Trump’s campaign.

– There appears to be a division among billionaires regarding the direction of global politics.

– Total funds raised by Trump and supporting organizations approach $300 million.

As of Monday, venture capitalist Doug Leone has publicly announced that he will be pouring tons of money into the Trump campaign, which is amassing funds never seen before in American politics. He wrote, “I have become increasingly concerned about the general direction of our country, the state of our broken immigration system, the ballooning deficit, and the foreign policy missteps, among other issues. Therefore, I am supporting former President Trump in this coming election.”

Leone is joining a growing list of billionaires who up until this point have been either silent or who even were backing Hillary in 2016 and Biden in 2020! It appears we are seeing something of a civil war going on inside the billionaire class where half of them seem to recognize that the world is going in a very different direction than western liberal globalization, and they want to cash in on it by getting fully onboard the Trump train.

The Trump campaign raised over $141 million for the month of May! That doesn’t even include the Saturday and Sunday fundraising a few days ago where Trump raised upwards of $200 million dollars in the three days following the verdict. We saw a $100 million donation coming from the Israeli-American billionaire Miriam Adelson who is the wife of the late casino magnate Sheldon Adelson. She reportedly pledged $100 million to the Trump campaign over the weekend.

Outside MAGA groups supporting president Trump raised an additional $150 million dollars. All told, Trump and Trump supporting organizations have raised nearly $300 million dollars. Trump could end up sitting on a war chest of billions of dollars.

This money can be spent on tv ads, voter registration, ballot harvesting initiatives, get-out-the-vote campaigns in every single swing state, poll worker recruitment, and precinct worker recruitment. The irony in all of this is that this all happened as a direct result of the fallout from the Democrats’ pathetic attempts at taking Trump out through weaponizing the legal system. If we step back and take in the larger picture here: whether it’s the blowback form the sham conviction in Manhattan or the collapse of the clown show in Fulton County, either way President Trump amazingly seems to always come out on top!

Copyright, 2024.

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