Red States Are Standing WITH TEXAS!!!

We are seeing a massive red state mutiny against the lawless Biden administration and our clueless ruling elite in DC. We are going to see the latest on the showdown at the Texas border and how a massive super majority is rising all across the nation making border security the number one issue of 2024.

– Texas Governor Greg Abbott defies Supreme Court ruling, invoking the state’s constitutional right to defend its territorial sovereignty and reinforcing the border with razor wire.

– Red states, including Oklahoma, Florida, Virginia, and South Dakota, express solidarity with Texas and pledge support in securing the southern border.

– Border security is becoming a prerequisite for electoral success, cutting across party lines, and the red state uprising signals a potential shift in the political landscape.

The state of Texas is officially telling the Supreme Court and the Biden administration to shove it. In the face of the Supreme Court’s ruling that Texas had to allow the removal of razor wire fortifications along their southern border by federal officials Governor Greg Abbott has doubled down, invoking Texas’ constitutional right to defend itself and its territorial sovereignty. As such, the Texas National Guard has been seen continuing to fortify the border. In direct defiance of the Supreme Court’s absurd ruling that the Biden administration’s right to disobey the law trumps Texas’ right to enforce it.

Texas is not alone in this fight. Many red states are rising and declaring their solidarity with Texas. Oklahoma’s governor Kevin Stitt was the first to declare his state’s solidarity with Texas and their right to self-defense. That declaration of solidarity is now being echoed by most red states throughout the nation. Ron Desantis of Florida has issued this statement: ‘If the Constitution made states powerless to defend themselves against an invasion, it wouldn’t have been ratified in the first place and Texas would have never joined the union when it did. Texas is upholding the law while Biden is flouting it. Florida will keep assisting Texas with personnel and assets!’

Governor Glen Youngkin has declared that Virginia is standing with Texas, stating, “Greg Abbot is doing the job Joe Biden and his border czar refuse to do to secure the border. The Biden administration has turned every state into a border state. We must stop the flow of fentanyl, save lives, and secure the southern border.” Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota has pledged her support and resources, saying, “Greg Abbott is exactly right to invoke Texas’ constitutional authority to defend itself. The Biden Administration has created a national security crisis and put Americans in danger. Their failure is an unconstitutional dereliction of duty. South Dakota has been proud to help Gov. Abbott’s efforts to secure our border!’

What we are seeing here is the rise of what are called ‘sanctuary states.’ These are deep red states that are putting up administrative and legal barriers between their citizens and the dysfunctional lunatics that run Washington DC. The sanctuary state seems to have started first with the rise of second amendment sanctuaries, where counties provided safe havens for gun owners with law-enforcement officials promising to protect rather than violate their second amendment rights. What we are seeing here is that the sanctuary status is now extending to more than half the nation, and it is increasingly becoming a massive, fortified sanctuary from the federal government itself.

More red state governors are rising and saying that they will not comply anymore with a federal government that is so hell-bent on literally destroying our country. The modern-day Democrat Party is the party of post-America. They are more concerned about running the world, particularly through the WEF initiatives than they are running the country. The Biden administration and the Washington establishment in general, made up of both parties, are more concerned about borders in Ukraine and Israel than they are in Texas.

Americans have had it with a ruling elite that is overseeing the total and complete destruction of our nation. That is what this red state uprising signifies. South Carolina representative Nancy Mace commented on this issue as well. She sees the southern border as turning into the number one issue for 2024. Even sanctuary cities like New York and Chicago have changed their stances. They are no longer sanctuary cities! This is an issue that is beginning to unite more than just red states. This is an issue that promises to unite urban voters with rural voters.

This is one of the reasons why President Trump is seeing record support among black voters and non-white working-class voters. It is precisely because their jobs are most adversely affected by this onslaught of illegals. The southern border and border security, in general, is becoming a pre-political issue, meaning that it is quickly becoming common ground among the supermajority of the electorate such that no matter the partisan leaning, a candidate is not getting elected on an open-borders platform.

The commitment to border security is becoming the prerequisite to getting elected regardless of whether one is a Republican or Democrat. This red state uprising represents a wider national uprising that may end up overturning our post-American ruling elite once and for all.

Copyright, 2024.

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