Hey, gang, it’s me, Dr Steve, and if you didn’t get to see Biden’s State of the Union speech, no problem; here’s the 5 top moments from the speech you didn’t have to watch!

-Keep reading below the video to learn all 5 moments!

-The Dems have nothing for America

-Assault weapons ban? Give me a break!

#5. The Kiss

As first lady Jill Biden entered the House chambers, she and Kamala Harris’ husband exchanged a rather, well, affectionate smooch! The kiss on the lips immediately went viral, with a number of people asking: what the heck is going on between the first lady and the Second Gentleman? Even the New York Post was left wondering what the heck that was all about! They even continued to hold hands for some time afterward; it was strange to say the least! But then again, considering who their spouses are, well?

#4. ‘Ban Assault Weapons Now’

That’s right, Biden once again called for the banning of a mythical firearm, a firearm that does not actually exist, the so-called assault weapon. It’s a term derived from a 1988 paper written by a radical gun-control activist and Violence Policy Center founder Josh Sugarmann. The whole purpose of the term is a blatant attempt at manipulating public opinion against semi-automatic guns in general! It is NOT a neutral term, it is NOT reflective of any mechanistic distinction that certain rifles have over others, it’s simply an attempt to recast a certain style of gun, which is a gun with some military aesthetic flare, and exploit that flare in such a way as to ban guns from law-abiding citizens! And that’s why this proposed ban is already doomed to fail; the Supreme Court has made it clear that so-called assault weapons bans are blatantly unconstitutional; and so sorry Joe, you’ve lost before you’ve even begun!

#3. Sen. Mike Lee’s Face

As Biden was jabbering about the debt, Senator Mike Lee’s reaction was priceless!

Yeah, somebody noted that Mike Lee is all of us right now! The whole nation is just going: ‘Huh? What? How does any of this make any sense?’

#2. The Fentanyl Crisis: ‘It’s Your Fault!’

Ouch! But that was very much deserved! It’s true; this is largely Biden’s fault! The tragedy of what’s happening at our southern border, where Biden is intentionally abdicating his constitutionally-mandated law-enforcement responsibilities, isn’t just a violation of national sovereignty; that would be bad enough. It’s the fact that most of the fentanyl that’s killing tens of thousands of Americans is smuggled over land across the U.S.-Mexico border, this according to the DEA! Since last year, over 110,000 Americans have died from a drug overdose, 70 percent of those overdose deaths were from fentanyl. This is a totally preventable horror that’s beset us, and the fact that Biden would even bring it up given how he’s in effect complicit in this deadly fentanyl outbreak was perhaps the single most nauseating moment of last night’s speech!

And, finally, the number one moment from Biden’s disastrous State of the Union:

#1. Marjorie Taylor Greene Yelling Out “Liar!”

Now that was fun! And the beauty of it is that it once again shows that Biden and the Democrats have no new ideas. First it was the assault weapons ban, they’ve been talking about that since the 90s; now it’s the old widely debunked ‘The Republicans want to throw grandma off a cliff!’ Again, this is going back to a 1990s playbook! That’s what makes this so sad! And so, Marjorie Taylor Greene, bless her heart, just stood up and called Joe-mentia what he is: he’s a liar! He’s a fraudulent pathological liar! And he’s always been; even Bernie Sanders’ people were pushing that during the primaries! Biden has always been a liar, and Marjorie Taylor Greene called him out on it! So there you go, you’re all caught up, and we can get on with the business of building a parallel economy dedicated to faith, family, and freedom, while the Democrats and Biden continue to captain their inevitably sinking ship!