Eight years ago, investigative journalist David Daleiden went undercover to expose damning secrets on one of the biggest abortion clinics in the West, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, in Houston, Texas. As DA, Kamala Harris confiscated his tapes, and they have been censored for the last eight years. Now they have finally been released; his findings are disturbing to say the least…
This clip exposes open discussion of their clinic receiving requests for fetal body parts to be HARVESTED and SOLD! “Right now we are getting a lot for liver and thymus” -Tram Nguyen, VP of Abortion Access. “I’m like oh, there’s some lungs, there’s some kidneys” -Dr. Ann Schutt-Ainé, Chief Medical Officer of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast.
"It’s funny because… it feels like it was six months or a year ago, you told me about the proposition, and so now every time I do a D&E [Dilation & Extraction abortion], I’m like oh, there’s some lungs, there’s some kidneys." – Dr. Ann Schutt-Aine, Chief Medical Officer,… pic.twitter.com/JlcegB4Vsi
— Center for Medical Progress (@CtrMedProgress) August 11, 2024
On top of this illegal fetal market, Dr. Ann Schutt-Ainé recounts abhorrent decisions to “pull off a leg or two” of babies while they are alive, in the womb, in order to avoid PBA (partial-birth abortion), which restricts lethal actions on babies after birth.
🚨▶️BREAKING: In newly-released undercover video @PPGulfCoast says “pull off a leg or two” to cover up partial-birth abortions to sell body parts. They wanted to “move forward” selling liver-thymus pairs for $1,600.@PPFA asked @KamalaHarris to seize this video from… pic.twitter.com/iPUpQnJ6km
— Center for Medical Progress (@CtrMedProgress) August 8, 2024
These disgusting remarks confirm suspicions of the underground operations run by abortion clinics nationwide. The whole of these recordings can be found under the Center for Medical Progress, a non-profit organization dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics.
However, the story does not end here. Following his initial release of these findings, “then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris, acting on a request from Planned Parenthood, opened a criminal investigation into Daleiden and the CMP that has been going on for [almost] nine years.” Kamala used this “criminal investigation” to villainize Daleiden, censor these recordings, and silence his impact. Kamala Harris’s explicit involvement in covering up this black market of fetal body parts and other gruesome abortion practices exposes her radicalism in a profitable way for conservatives.
In light of these horrific findings, Planned Parenthood has been put in an even worse light, and Kamala’s radicalism has been exposed in a way that could drive away moderate left voters, who might have been on the fence about or against late-term-abortion. Republicans should continue to run these stories exposing and condemning Kamala’s radical actions now and in any past offices, so voters know the Harris campaign will represent nothing but the most radical positions on abortion and adjacent policies.
Kyle Weeks is a Contributor for Turley Talks.
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