Kamala Harris has chosen Tim Walz as her running mate. This was announced on Tuesday. Walz is the governor of Minnesota, which has not voted red in decades. Many commentators are wondering why she chose him instead of a moderate or swing state governor who could have been seen as uniting the ticket. Walz highlights Kamala’s radicalism and will not help to draw in independent or moderate voters.
Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota signed a law allowing the killing of preborn babies at any stage, even up to birth.
Along with Kamala Harris, who made her career out of persecuting pro-life activists, this is the most pro-abortion presidential ticket in American history.— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) August 6, 2024
Walz has been extremely progressive on his policies on abortion, highlighting Kamala’s radical stance on the issue. Kamala repeatedly emphasizes that she thinks women should be able to abort their babies in all states and at all points in their pregnancies, so choosing Walz just confirms that this ticket will seek to allow as much abortion as possible.
— 1611 populist (@KJVPopulist) August 6, 2024
This pick also underscores the difference between the current VP picks, as JD Vance represents a typical American, but Walz has spent his career promoting crazy leftwing ideologies. He has supported ‘transitioning’ children and even taking them from parents who do not support leftist gender ideology. He allowed the radical left to burn cities in his state during the race riots in 2020, while subsequently imposing some of the most draconian lockdown measures in the country.
All you need to know about Tim Walz is that he set up a snitch line and encouraged people to call and report anyone who was violating his covid stay-at-home orders by doing things like playing basketball at a park, walking a dog, or purchasing “nonessential” items at a store.
— Daniel Kotzin (@DanielKotzin) August 6, 2024
Walz allowed the race riots to ravage his communities, while Kamala raised funding to bail out criminals who participated in the destruction of his state.
While Tim Waltz was Governor of Minnesota, BLM rioters destroyed downtown Minneapolis.
Kamala Harris promoted a GoFundMe for the rioters.
This is the aftermath.
This is what Tim Waltz and Kamala Harris will bring to ALL of America.pic.twitter.com/Z8HukY3D9n
— Rob Smith (@robsmithonline) August 6, 2024
There is no question that both Harris and Walz are extremely progressive. This ticket does not even give the appearance of uniting anyone who was on the fence about voting for Kamala. Both Harris and Walz are far left extremists in their past policies, so they are likely to turn away many crucial swing state voters and moderates. We will see how this ticket fares as RFK continues in the race and Trump seems to be more of a uniting presidential candidate than ever!
Erin Weeks is a Staff Writer for Turley Talks
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