Corrupt Fani Willis Faces DISBARMENT and CRIMINAL CHARGES!

In a stunning turn of events, the corrupt Fulton County DA who is attempting to prosecute Trump now finds herself on trial! As a result, Fani Willis faces not only disqualification from the case but now even criminal charges and disbarment! We are going to take a look at this extraordinary reversal of fortunes and see why the corruption behind Fani Willis’ bogus charges against Trump is ultimately the reason that she, in the end, may be the one charged!

-The judge argues that Fani Willis’ illicit affair could lead to removal from the Trump case and even disbarment!

– Willis is under fire for giving exorbitant funding to her romantic partner who she appointed in the case.

– Evidence from her affair partner’s divorce proceedings shows that he paid thousands of dollars for the two of them to vacation together.

More of Fani Willis’ staffers are lined up to testify against her. Fani Willis, the Fulton County DA who has launched a political witch hunt against President Trump, has gone so far as to charge him with racketeering. She is now being accused of having an illicit affair with her subordinate, Nathan Wade, and the key to that accusation is that while they have both admitted to having an affair, the major accusation is that they lied about when the affair began.

She and Wade maintain they didn’t start having an affair until after she appointed him as special prosecutor in this corrupt case against Trump. But several witnesses, including Wade’s former attorney who works in the same office as Wade, are all coming forward to testify that Willis and Wade started having an affair long before Fani Willis appointed him as special prosecutor. That fact alone, if it’s proven that they intentionally lied about when their affair began, would violate Georgia’s Rules of Professional Conduct which are the State’s guidelines for lawyer ethics.

The judge in this case against Fani Willis has stated that there are grounds for dismissing Fani Willis from her ridiculous case against Trump. This could even be grounds for disbarment. Jonathan Turley, professor of law at George Washington University, also discussed this issue:

According to Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, if they are caught lying over when the affair began, disqualification from this sham case and disbarment are just the beginning of their troubles. They can end up facing a criminal trial themselves.

The second accusation that Fani Willis is facing is that she and Wade personally profited from this sham indictment. This is getting her in hot water with congressional oversight committees. Fani Willis is under both federal and state investigation for allegedly personally profiting off of this political persecution of Trump. Not only did Fani Willis appoint her boytoy subordinate, Nathan Wade as special prosecutor, but then she turned around and paid him nearly $1,000,000.00 in legal fees since he was appointed special prosecutor, which far exceeds any compensation commensurate with that position.

Now we know, based on evidence in Wade’s divorce proceedings that he and Willis were taking all kinds of extravagant, lavish vacation trips with that money. Wade paid for their trips with the money he got from Willis. These charges against Fani Willis have her facing disqualification, disbarment, criminal charges, and both federal and state investigations. This is an colossal fall where she intended to prosecute Trump, but that only led to her prosecution.

Copyright, 2024.

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